Run as Local System User.
Provide your unc path in UNC_Path in the script (e.g) UNC_Path = r'\\VBOXSVR\share_folder'
Provide your directory in DestinationPath where your files want to be copied (e.g) DestinationPath = "C:\\ProgramData\\UNC"
Provide your filename in file_name with full directory and correct extention which you want to install (e.g) file_name = "C:\\ProgramData\\UNC\\RemoteControlbyITarian_us1.exe"
Provide your switch commands in exe_switch_command if your file is an exe file or provide your switch commands in msi_switch_command if your file is a msi file (e.g) exe_switch_command = '/s'
msi_switch_command = '/quiet /qn /norestart'