Please use this script to monitor the scheduled tasks with the exclusion filter if a new scheduled task is created, an alert will be sent to you un...
Categories: Monitoring
Kindly run this script as " Local System User ". Run this script as Custom Monitoring for better outpu...
Categories: Monitoring
RUN AS LOCALSYSTEM USER. 1.Provide the Toemail address in the parameter 'EmailTo' where the mail need to be sent. the datatype should be a...
Categories: Monitoring
This Script is used to monitor MSExchangeSubmission Services and raise alert if the service has been stopped.
Categories: Monitoring
Note: This script as Custom Monitoring script. Please refer
Categories: Monitoring
This Script is used to monitor MSExchangeFrontEndTransport Services and raise alert if the service has been stopped.
Categories: Monitoring
This Script is used to monitor MSExchangeDelivery Services and raise alert if the service has been stopped.
Categories: Monitoring
Note: This script as Custom Monitoring script. Please refer
Categories: Monitoring
This Monitor is able to monitor a list of services and be triggered to start only if the service is down. This monitor will not be triggered if the se...
Categories: Monitoring
Description : This Monitor is able to monitor a list of softwares and install if its not present. Note: This script could be used a...
Categories: Monitoring