1) Run as logged in user (user must have admin privileges)
2) provide uninstall command at parameter "Command" data type should be string
3) provide arguments at parameter "Args" data type should be string
4) provide no of days at parameter "daYs" data type should be integer
5) provide task name at parameter "taskName" New task will be replaced if the task has same name data type should be string
Command and Args changes based on requirment
Example (uninstalling Telegram silently):
"C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Telegram Desktop\unins000.exe" /SILENT
Command = "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Telegram Desktop\unins000.exe" change command as per requirement
Args = /SILENT
daYs = 10 change No of days as per requirement in case of 10 the task will be disabled after 10 days
taskName = "uninstallProgram" Task name change as per requirement using same name will replace the existing task