This script is helps you to uninstall Comodo Client Security(ccs) and Endpoint Manager and install MSI Application in both Windows and server.
How it works:
1. This script checks whether the Comodo Client Security(ccs) is installed or not. If installed css. it will uninstall css and reboot the system. After reboot the system it will check installspecificsoftware = "yes" Then it will install the specified MSI Applications
2. The procedure is able to check UninstallCCC = "yes" then script will schedule to uninstall Endpoint Manager Communication Client
This script could be used as an auto-remediation procedure for the below custom monitoring script.
# if Comodo Client - Security is present uninstall
UninstallCCS = "no"
# This option will uninstall CCS using the Comodo Uninstaller Tool before installing BeyondTrust
ComodoUninstallerTool = "no"
# This option will let you specify if you download Comodo Uninstaller Tool from comodo servers or a shared folder will be used
DownloadComodoUninstallerToolfromComodo = "yes"
SharedFolderComodoUninstallerTool = r'\\adserver\sharefolder'
ComodoUninstallerToolx64Name = r'ciscleanuptool_x64.exe'
ComodoUninstallerToolx86Name = r'ciscleanuptool_x86.exe'
# do you want to inform the user that the endpoint will be rebooted in 5 minutes using msg ?
MsgUserInform1 = "no"
MsgUserInformComment1 = "add your comment"
# do you want to install a specific software ?
installspecificsoftware = "no"
softwarename = "software name"
SharedFolderPathSoftware1 = r'\\adserver\sharefolder'
MSI1x64Name = r'MSI1_x64.msi'
MSI1x86Name = r'MSI1_x86.msi'
# is your software compose of two packages?
twopackages = "no"
SharedFolderPathSoftware2 = r'\\adserver\sharefolder'
MSI2x64Name = r'MSI2_x64.msi'
MSI2x86Name = r'MSI2_x86.msi'
# do you want to inform the user that the endpoint will install your msi using msg ?
MsgUserInform2 = "no"
MsgUserInformComment2 = "add your comment"
# do you want to reboot your endpoint anfter you install your msi in 5 minutes ?
RebootEndpoint = "no"
RebootEndpointComment = "add your comment"
# if Comodo Comunication Client is present uninstall
UninstallCCC = "no"