This script is used to perform file operations in the endpoint through procedures for,
1. For renaming a file or folder
2: List files from specified folder
3: For hiding a file or folder
4: For unhiding a file or folder
5: For copying a file or folder
6: For moving a file file or folder
7: To remove a file or folder
8: Get directory size/contents
9: Displaying file creation time
10:Getting last file modification time
Provide the option according to the operation you need to perform and change the path according to the operations
For Example,
option = '1' For renaming a file or folder
file_folderpath=r'C:\Users\devil\desktop\sam' #provide the path for which file or folder you need to rename
dest_path=r'C:\Users\devil\desktop\script' #provide the path for renaming (new name for file or folder)
This script is used to perform file operations in the endpoint through procedures for 1. For renaming a file or folder 2: List files from specified folder 3: For hiding a file or folder 4: For unhiding a file or folder 5: For copying a file or folder 6: For moving a file file or folder 7: To remove a file or folder 8: Get directory size/contents 9: Displaying file creation time 10:Getting last file modification time