This script is used to change time zone and run the specified .bat and .exe file from network location.
Provide the following parameters:
name='"Syria Standard Time"' #provide the name of the time zone to be changed
#If name is in string, enclose it in '" "'- eg:'"Syria Standard Time"'
#If name is in String+number, enclose it in " " - eg: "UTC+13"
Filepath=r'\\Audi\c\Users\audiR7\Desktop' ##Provide the network share file path
share_user="XXXXX" ## Provide the user name for the shared path
share_pass="YYYYY" ## Provide the password for the shared path
Setup_Path_X64=r"qbittorrent_4.1.0_x64_setup.exe" ## Enter the .exe file name for 64 bit
Setup_Path_X86=r"qbittorrent_4.0.4_setup.exe" ## Enter the .exe file name for 32 bit
Bat_file=r"Sample.bat" ## Enter the .bat file name
silent_commnad ="/S" ## Enter the silent command to install the .exe file