Tested in Windows 10. Not working on Windows 7 Run as System User or Logged in User
Categories: Action
This Procedure is used to retrieve the last 'n' Event logs and send an email with the Output in HTML format. Parameters: Event Log Na...
Categories: Action
To Display 10 Most Recent Application Errors Logs from Event Viewer. Please run the script as System User or Logged in User
Categories: Action
Script to get the Make, Manufacturer and Type of Hard Drive Details from the Machine Note: Run as Logged In User or System User
Categories: Action
This script helps you to display the memory, processor and storage utilization on the endpoint. Run the script as "System User".
Categories: Action
Hi The Script will help you to get disk space report of selected devices or all devices as one report and send an email.Disk usage space will...
Categories: Action
Hi Please refer the script to get name, model, domain, IP/Mac addresses and active user of remote host Note: Run as sytem user
Categories: Action
This script will check current logged user folder for media and save those file name as .log file with the user name. For example: current user...
Categories: Action
Hi, The script helps you to Collect the Windows Update logs of the System and transfer the files to SFTP server. Edit Parameters:  ...
Categories: Action